Thursday 20 June 2013


So yesterday was the hottest day in London since the 9th of September 2012. It was boiling, no breeze at all....I believe the word is "HUMID?" ( I heard that word so many times yesterday more than I have ever heard the phrase "Could you pass the salt please?" Seemed like it was just being passed from one tongue to the other, whether they knew the meaning or not, I do not know. But "HUMID" was an apt description of the weather yesterday. Well, I took advantage and changed outfits thrice but only took pictures with two out of the three.

Had a chilled day in the morning and had driving tutorials in the afternoon. I had an invitation to dinner at "Claridges" (Gordon Ramsay's restaurant to be exact) which I eagerly accepted. But then realised better not to. I accepted because I haven't been to dinner in a long while. As I said my outings usually end at the cinema. Highlight of my social life at the moment. I am not wined and dined anymore. So I said "YES" initially, as it would also be an opportunity to don one of my dinner dresses and clutches I have, that are slowly gathering dust in my wardrobe. Someone asked me the other day, "why bring this clutch to church for fellowship!" I replied "This is probably the only place this clutch will see for a long time". LOL! Anyway, I eventually said "No thank you". It wasn't worth it especially as it would bring about a conflict of interests. So I ended up at Marks and Spencers looking for new undies and I did get a few, then proceeded to Reiss, Karen Millen and LK Bennet. (May I confess I have since broken my 36 day no shopping agreement). I know!!! Don't judge me please. I am not in a very happy place and while some people eat or not eat when that happens, I indulge in some retail therapy. Does it make me any happier? Hmmn, not exactly!!! But it gives me some relief, a little bit of joy as well. So, whatever. Shrug!!!

Why am I unhappy? A personal matter that I really hope will be resolved quickly as I am almost at the end of the tunnel on the matter, and the light seems to be flickering :( but God keeps re-assuring me all is well so I fear not. But doesn't stop me having the sad spells every now and then. I want to party this weekend, I haven't done this in a while either. I don't really like clubbing at all anymore but I am in the mood for some serious booty shaking (Ok, dancing as I haven't got that much booty *rolling eyes*). I would love to anyway, will see if it happens. Fingers crossed, wish me luck!!! If it doesn't happen, I'll be at the cinema watching Brad Pitt's new movie. Why is my life suddenly so boring? I am not a boring person though (before you label me)Need a plan people.LOL! Oh, by the way London is too expensive to be gallivanting so....(consolation!)

Moving on, yesterday was hot and so the clothes on the road were few, scanty, barely there. Even the mannequins had more clothes on than most of the people parading the streets. TRUE! It was that hot. And is it that a lot of cars don't have air conditioning? It was humid and all I saw were windows down, not a lot with windows up and enjoying some proper cooling. I am one to talk, I was walking under the sun myself. LOL! Now it's rain today. I don't mind, I look fly in any weather ;) my wardrobe is well equipped and so am I.
Hey, if you ever get stuck on what to wear for or to any occasion, email me:!!! I "ALWAYS" know! I am wearing flats again in a few pictures, so dear reader, are you satisfied now? LOL!

Here are the pictures I would like to share from yesterday so...ENJOY:)

I am wearing: Gap mini skirt (which was given to me by a friend, well I asked for it so isn't technically a willing gift LOL), Zara t-shirt, Tory Burch red sandals, Zara dress, Charlotte Olympia shoes, Fendi 2jours bag, all accessories are mine and available for purchase and of course, a smile :)

P.S: I have bought a camera so the end of bad pictures. Thank you for bearing with me.

Wednesday 19 June 2013


On a lighter note from last night's outpour of emotions, I had a "NICE" weekend. NO, scratch that I had a "GREAT" weekend, which even somewhat overlapped into Monday. YAYY ;) My daughter aka my photographer was away for the weekend so packed my bags Friday night (even though quite late) and headed to a far away place, a magical place, YEAH RIGHT!!! Just went to "MR COOL"s domain, ain't nothing magical about that *rolling eyes*LOL!

Went to see "MAN OF STEEL", the new super man movie. It was GOOD!!! It's next in line right after "FAST AND FURIOUS 6" for me. I have found a new crush..Err, I am always in love with almost every actor after a movie and then I see "MR COOL" and it's back to reality for me. Anyway, it's a good movie, highly recommended. Been told not to see "THE PURGE", all the action is in the preview just like "AFTER EARTH". So get some microwave popcorn, watch the preview and go to bed.LOL! I actually used to the go to the movies just for the hotdog, just like Ikea Wembley. The only thing that truly motivates me to going to Ikea is the hotdog, not cause I really need anything from them. But now I go to the movies for the popcorn :) Didn't help me seeing the huge bags they come in though. They come in huge nylons and are emptied into the containers...not freshly made like the one at my wonderful "SILVERBIRD GALLERIA". Oh, how I miss that. Anyway, I have adapted so this tastes good as well, not just as good but well enough. So it was movie night Saturday.

Sunday!!! Father's day!!!We went to visit "MR COOL"s mom and dad. Absolutely wonderful people. So kind and extremely knowledgeable of fashion. They put the "ABLE" in "FASHION" (FASHIONABLE) . His dad used to have his shoes hand-made  right from the age of 16. Can you beat that? You should listen to him describe his style and his mom...Oh my! I would go on forever. But it was lovely seeing them again, as always :). Oh, his dad paid me a compliment. I haven't stopped laughing since he said it. He said "I like your knees"!!! My knees??? It was so funny and then he said, in his defence, "some of them have dodgy knees"! I am practically rolling on the floor with laughter. He is such a funny man, never a dull moment. The things he comes up with, just like my grandad. I am laughing again as I type this now, LOL!! Afterwards, we went to a barbeque hosted by his son's girlfriend's family (why does that sound long? LOL!) It was lovely, the food was perfect. Am not a lover of food so obviously it must have been good. I left back to my wonderful abode later at night ( I so love my home, note the use of the word "HOME").

Monday!!! Met up for lunch with "The Man" at a really nice restaurant called "The Delaunay", quite nice. Busy during lunch but slowly starts to free-up after that. Very nice food also. I enjoyed the banana split quite a lot. Parted ways and I headed to "Louis Vuitton" to pick up a bag I had dropped for repairs. They had repaired it but also succeeded in destroying something else. SIGH! I was tired from walking around in heels so told them to call me when they have the parts they spoilt in store and was out the door. Then, home sweet home!!!

So here are the pictures I would like to share from this weekend just gone by (and some other days I missed)...ENJOY :)

I am wearing; Gucci wellies, Opening Ceremony brown boots, Christian Louboutin wedges, Timberland boots, Gina red strappy sandals, fur gilet, Atmosphere vest (Primark, I have actually had this for over 3years), Zara peplum top, Zara white t-shirt, Jbrand jeans, Banana Republic jeggins, Fendi 2jours bag, HnM brown blazer, Wolford body top, Zara jeans, Ted baker belt  and of course, a smile ;)

Tuesday 18 June 2013


It's amazing how much we take people for granted when they are in our lives. We just assume that because they remind us constantly of how much they love us, then we can treat them any way we want to and stIll believe they'll hang around. Not so often the case anymore. Yes, they do hang around and withstand a lot of things but eventually enough is enough. This is the case in a lot of relationships, be it sexual, platonic or even same gender kind of friendship. More often than not, we know what we are doing is wrong but we just think we can never lose the person or perhaps be silly enough to think "Oh he or she is understanding", so they'll hang around.

In a lot of situations, especially when we are in love, we make the person's problems our own and start to make excuses for their bad behaviour i.e he or she has been hurt, he or she has never known love so they don't know how to handle it...blah blah blah! EXCUSES. Most times, the other person knows exactly what they are doing, I know for certain they know they are hurting you. Whether it bothers them or not, I do not know but one thing I am sure of is that they are selfish. You cannot care about someone and continually hurt them. But then again, perhaps they are deluded with the thought that this person will never leave so they continue in their folly thinking they've got the best of both worlds. Now what they fail to realise is when a person is fed up, they no longer feel the need to fight or salvage the relationship, they take a sit back approach and just let things start to unravel. In that time, they start to see you for what you really are and the tables start to turn. Then one day, you wake up and they are gone.

I do not know why we take the people that love us for granted considering the world is such an evil place now and love is a very rare thing to find. So when you do find it, why do you stupidly let it go for a bit of fun? No man is an island, everyone needs someone. God wasn't stupid when he created eve. You let the one who loved you get away and then after going round having all "THE FUN", you turn around and realise what it really is! "FUN"'. No one's asking if you've had a meal, no one's wondering where you are, if you are ok or if you are safe. As much as we all love fun, I am sure we need care, love and attention more. My post today is about a personal issue I don't want to go into details about yet, but it makes me wonder all the time! It could have been beautiful, it could almost have been perfect but now it's too late. No matter how nice it seems now, my eyes are open wide and I have seen that which was blinded by love. If you find that special man or woman, don't take them for granted. They'll only take your "BS" (excuse me) for a while, before someone else sweeps them away. Don't go collecting useless rocks when you have a priceless diamond.

My outfit today is inspired by freedom, the flowy dress and skirt represent fullness of joy. The new flow of love in my life, the ability to love and forgive.
Here are the pictures I'd like to share today so...ENJOY :)



Pictures taken at my prayer meeting (which I attend on Tuesdays) and in my little garden. All picture credits to a dear friend who has become a sister and, my lovely daughter.
I am wearing: Miss Selfridge maxi "patterned" dress, Reiss white sweater, Reiss maxi pleated skirt, Bottega Venetta reptile leather sandals and of course, a smile ;).
Someone said I don't wear flats, I actually do, just try and avoid them because I get too comfortable in them and then it takes me a while to  get into heels again. But I will be wearing more of flats this week.

Friday 14 June 2013


Somebody stop me...or rather God help me. So I made the mistake (yes mistake) of going to the Westend today. And I ended up at Selfridges of all places. SELFRIDGES!!! and every single name and store is on sale. Christian Louboutin, Saint Laurent (formerly known as Yves Saint Laurent), Guiseppe Zanotti, Tods, Dior, Gucci...Ahhh!!!I am screaming. It was torture, absolute torture. I wonder can one compare this to being tortured physically? Ok I think not, but it was torture, believe me, mental torture at it's highest. But there was a plus side, most of the shoes I want are not in the sale so I was able to get over the sale quickly.

I must confess though I am typing in my brand new Christian Louboutin "Tosca 140 suede/bazin' wedges". It feels different typing in them, it actually feels nice :) Typing is a lot of work and I get tired easily but typing in these shoes, makes it so much easier. (Oh how I love shoes especially the ones that end up in my closet). So having overcome the devil in Selfridges, well I didn't exactly flee from him but I did overcome him eventually, I left. Next stop; GUCCI. I had recieved their email annoucing the start of their sale so needed to see what they had, especially in the men's section ;) NOTHING!!! Nothing there tickled my fancy. Well the few that did, were out of sizes. Anyway, thought I'd try PRADA but before I could, glanced at my watch and it was time to head home, not before I stopped and had a meal at wagamama. I have recently discovered a dish they make called "The Firecracker" not for the faint hearted. Please do not order it if you are not a lover of very hot chilli.( I warned you, do not say i recommended it though I do recommend it for those who dare).

Meal over, grabbed something for my little princess otherwise known as my photographer. (She isn't getting paid yet, well she lives here for free, meals inclusive. LOL). Now the big rush, as my daughter would be home in less than an hour. Well, I made it just in time as she was just heading to the front door as I walked into my street. Oh by the way, I had an event on wednesday but didn't make it, ended up in church and I am glad that was where I ended. Don't know what's happening tonight yet. Ok, I lie, I do know...NOTHING!!! What's happening to me? Ok, I need to change things around so stay tuned to "HOW SECRETSTYLIST007 GOT HER GROOVE BACK"!!!

Here are the pictures I would like to share today... SO ENJOY :)



I am wearing : ASOS jeans (the perefect hip and bum glove), pink GUCCI sandals, black lace ZARA shirt, grey HNM sweater, black VINTAGE purse (bought in a charity shop), RIVER ISLAND taupe shoes (owned by a friend,went to visit her, saw the shoes and fell in love, couldn't believe they were from RIVER ISLAND) and of course, a smile;)

Tuesday 11 June 2013


I have been wrapped up in so many things, so busy but I bless God things are easing off slowly and nicely. And I am back fully now. Moved house, had no internet connection (yes I do have a dongle but can't find it) then I became ill and then ill again but now I am a bit better. Still not a 100%, but I am blessed so will be alright. They say I have common symptoms associated with Hay Fever, it's such an unecessary ailment if that's all it is. Hay "WICKED ANNOYING DISCOMFORTING" Fever. I love my new place by the way. Got a little garden at the back (good for pictures, LOL and as I have discovered : SMOKING!!! NO, not me). It is also the perfect place to sit and reflect. I have found myself doing a lot of reflecting nowadays.

What do I reflect on? Different things. My personal life (this is the bit I spend the most time on), my relationship with God and how much I want it to get better each day and then some irrelevant things I have made up in my head (remember I am good at imagining things and believing they are real). Let's just say I also enjoy playing "NANCY DREW" a lot with or without evidence or facts. But going back to reflecting, it has helped a lot and I have actually become a stronger and better person.

I don't have much of a social life anymore (can't believe it). I am a social butterfly, I have always been but nowadays I can't be asked. I will try to revive it a bit so this blog can at least be interesting. Don't want to bore you all away. Oh I went to see "AFTER EARTH", the movie with Will Smith and his son! If you've seen the preview, you've seen the movie. Trust me, that's all the action in the movie. I had waited so long for it so it really hurt. The only up side was I went to watch it with "Mr Cool", so made it worthwhile :) Next on my to see list is "DESPICABLE ME 2"! I love those little yellow things, wish they were real and lived with me LOL. "Mr Cool" got me hooked on them, they are so funny.

Ok I don't have much to say today but tomorrow will be interesting, I promise you. This is just a kind of welcome back post to myself.  Pardon me if it's not as interesting as you would expect it to be being that I have been gone a while and am sure you thought I was up to something exciting. No such luck. But excitement shoes on now so let's go.

Here are the pictures I would like to share today

Please excuse the pictures, remember I am not feeling too great. Will do better tomorrow.
I am wearing: French Connection cream dress, Gina red and gold sandals, vintage purse (from a charity shop). Do visit charity shops, there are always things in there plus your money goes to a good cause. This particular picture was taken in my little garden by my wonderful daughter. The other picture I (taken by my daughter again) took on our way to lunch after church, can't show my face because my eyes were a bit puffy. Dorothy Perkins print pants, Charlotte Olympia pony shoes, they are called Dolly, Jigsaw cardigan, Cancer research t-shirt ( I totally support them and show love) and of course, a smile ;)