Tuesday 11 June 2013


I have been wrapped up in so many things, so busy but I bless God things are easing off slowly and nicely. And I am back fully now. Moved house, had no internet connection (yes I do have a dongle but can't find it) then I became ill and then ill again but now I am a bit better. Still not a 100%, but I am blessed so will be alright. They say I have common symptoms associated with Hay Fever, it's such an unecessary ailment if that's all it is. Hay "WICKED ANNOYING DISCOMFORTING" Fever. I love my new place by the way. Got a little garden at the back (good for pictures, LOL and as I have discovered : SMOKING!!! NO, not me). It is also the perfect place to sit and reflect. I have found myself doing a lot of reflecting nowadays.

What do I reflect on? Different things. My personal life (this is the bit I spend the most time on), my relationship with God and how much I want it to get better each day and then some irrelevant things I have made up in my head (remember I am good at imagining things and believing they are real). Let's just say I also enjoy playing "NANCY DREW" a lot with or without evidence or facts. But going back to reflecting, it has helped a lot and I have actually become a stronger and better person.

I don't have much of a social life anymore (can't believe it). I am a social butterfly, I have always been but nowadays I can't be asked. I will try to revive it a bit so this blog can at least be interesting. Don't want to bore you all away. Oh I went to see "AFTER EARTH", the movie with Will Smith and his son! If you've seen the preview, you've seen the movie. Trust me, that's all the action in the movie. I had waited so long for it so it really hurt. The only up side was I went to watch it with "Mr Cool", so made it worthwhile :) Next on my to see list is "DESPICABLE ME 2"! I love those little yellow things, wish they were real and lived with me LOL. "Mr Cool" got me hooked on them, they are so funny.

Ok I don't have much to say today but tomorrow will be interesting, I promise you. This is just a kind of welcome back post to myself.  Pardon me if it's not as interesting as you would expect it to be being that I have been gone a while and am sure you thought I was up to something exciting. No such luck. But excitement shoes on now so let's go.

Here are the pictures I would like to share today

Please excuse the pictures, remember I am not feeling too great. Will do better tomorrow.
I am wearing: French Connection cream dress, Gina red and gold sandals, vintage purse (from a charity shop). Do visit charity shops, there are always things in there plus your money goes to a good cause. This particular picture was taken in my little garden by my wonderful daughter. The other picture I (taken by my daughter again) took on our way to lunch after church, can't show my face because my eyes were a bit puffy. Dorothy Perkins print pants, Charlotte Olympia pony shoes, they are called Dolly, Jigsaw cardigan, Cancer research t-shirt ( I totally support them and show love) and of course, a smile ;)

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